Multifarious concept album release

We are proud, pleased and pumped to announce that on October 27th “Kingdom of Horrors” will be unleashed upon the world! Get ready for something quite out of the ordinary – a multifarious concept album release, comprised of the actual album, a paperback novella and two exclusive OST companion albums, each entirely unique and distinctive, all of which explore and expound the dark riches of the world we have created for you. Brace yourselves; for, this October, the most intense and immersive Dimlight experience ever created is coming to twist your mind!
Το mark the occasion, on October 27th Dimlight will be hitting the stage at Metal Blast “October 2018” METAL BLAST FESTIVAL, in Cairo, Egypt. We are hyped beyond words and eager to return to a place that really feels like a second home to us: see you all on stage and get ready for a taste of what’s coming!